Life After People is a very thought-provoking,and fascinating documentary on the History Channel that examines how fast society and buildings would crumble on earth if all humans suddenly disappeared. What made me sad was realizing that all domesticated animals would really suffer without us , esp cats and dogs. The show estimates that small dogs wouldn't last more than a week without us as they depend us for their food supply.
I am puzzled as to why anyone with a high IQ would give credence to any of these crackpots who give an exact date when the Rapture is coming. Now I am not saying that there won't be an end of days sometime, but NO ONE except God knows when it is! I think everyone will disappear, not just the evangelical Christians. I think people want to believe the world will end and they will have an easy life in Heaven. Fantasies are nice, I have a few of my own, but quit giving your life savings to these people! You may still be on earth when you retire at 65 and may need a little nest egg! Con artists who commit fraud like that should be automatically found guilty and jailed for two years, besides having to repay the money to their victims.
I do think this video is so interesting as there were predictions of the tsunami, and Hurricane Katrina long before they happened. I do think that Earth exists in 9 cycles of 800 years each but don't believe we are in the last cycle! I think the earth will last till the year 2500 at least,so we are all safe. What do you think? Will people live on Earth forever, or will there really be an end of days? If there is hope it doesn't turn out like the cheesy Arnold Schwarzenegger pic!
End of Days trailer
Life After People
rants from a redhead on pop culture job searches and ways internet and cell phones have changed the world
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