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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Tea and Loafing in Ontario, Canada

Hello World!
This is my very first blog entry, so please be patient and don't laugh (unless I have a joke that's funny!)
I love nothing more than great conversation so I am addicted to the internet with the proliferation of social networks and movie forums. I am a hardcore movie and TV buff and an avid reader as well! My fave social network by far is Google Buzz and FB is close behind.

I have been trying to find a summer job but it's not as easy as it used to be when I was a teenager! For starters, everything is done online now, so there's no chance to make a first impression. The fast food places and malls take resumes still, but most of them say they on't be hiring until September ! I can't land a job at the college in the bookstore or library as they only want graduates ! A store in the mall told me I was overqualified and an office told me I had to have two years experience! It seems you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't! Hopefully, this will be easier when I graduate April 2012!

Classic Insults for any Situation
I was watching a movie called Textuality and the female lead delivered this withering insult to the clueless male stalking her : You have more issues than Time Magazine! I can't wait until I can use that on someone!

I would love to hear any comments , esp your favorite insults and your job search horror stories! See you tomorrow, same place, same bat channel!


  1. Great to see your blog here! I use Wordpress myself. Keep it up Steph. This is really good :)

  2. Nice first post Steph. I added the feed to my Google Reader.

  3. Hi Stephanie! Nice job - I'll enjoy reading your blog.

  4. Hi Steph, Way to go!


  5. Ugh. I hate when companies say that you're overqualified for a job. Makes you want to say "Believe me, I could work my way down to just barely qualified as long as you give me a job that pays me some salary!"
