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Tuesday 14 June 2011

Theatre Texting should be outlawed everywhere!

How many of you have stopped going to the movie theatre on weekend nights because of the lack of social etiquette from the moviegoers? This is not just teenagers,adults are just as bad (teenagers kick the back of your seat more though) Just because you are not actually talking on your phone doesn't mean texting is not disturbing the person next to you ,the screen is so bright and there are occasional beepsfrom keyboard. I have found a solution of sorts. My sister and I only go to the movies at matinees where there is less of a crowd and its cheaper  but 3 bucks as well! Win Win! 5.50 for any movie all day Tuesday as well. I love what the Alamo theatre in the video above is doing and I wish more of them would.It would increase customer satisfaction in the long run

Shania Twain

Good for her she has great books sales and sold out tours ! Hopefully only her pride was bruised during this fall

The Old Spice Guy : I knew I liked this Guy!

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