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Monday, 15 August 2011

Google Plus will be the Number 2 social network by 2012! (IMO)

I might as well do a blog post while my laptop is still functioning somewhat! Sorry there has been no blog for a week  my computer has been out of commission since Wednesday! They say bad luck comes in threes (mine was in 4s)  One brand new tv (flatscreen) picture tube blew, 9 yr old microwave blew, then my 18 month old router . Then the cable companys modem was down for 18 hrs , finally upgraded to wireless modem on Sunday. On top of all that my laptop had adware I couldn't get rid of and wasn't detected at all by MSEssentials . But how did  http://download.cnet.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.htmllet me down? I was paying for the pro account . I now only have the free service but switched to http://www.avira.com/ and am very impressed with them so far. Wish me luck the laptop lasts for another year without hard drive crashing, fan breaking, or more malware.

This is a very funny video

this is another song sung to the tune of Beat It

The bottom video is about Hangouts

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephane,
    Thanks for your blog link, I am so happy to read your blogs too, short and simple,. This is really interesting one, sometime the computers play havoc with us when it is more required, its really irritating that without internet and blog etc is really upsetting! I understand your agony, and i could relate it very much. Anyways I wish you a trouble free year ahead with your laptop and other electronic gadgets. LOL
    Keep inform, keep posting
    Best regards
